5 Tips To Make Returning Home From Adventures Less Stressful

This is real life dear readers. We don’t always get to everything listed here. When we do, however, it makes for a much more peaceful experience. So consider this a wishlist of sorts.

Have you ever rushed to go on a road trip or vacation, leaving your house trashed? Not a good feeling when you return is it? The same thing goes for adventures in my opinion. Whether we’re doing something locally or staying away overnight, I prefer our home prepared for our return.

My tips are in no particular order, btw. I simply typed as they came to mind.

1. Put Clothes Away

Maybe you didn’t finish the laundry. I mean… it really doesn’t end does it? Either way, you don’t want piles of clothes left on the floor or wet clothes mildewing in the washer when you return. So please check it.

Have your family participate in a brief clothing pickup. If you have kids, setting a 10-20 minute timer often works well. The goal is to get all dirty clothes in the hamper, folded clothes in a drawer, or hang what belongs in the closet.

2. Make The Beds

This is a daily task but especially when we’re going somewhere. The beds don’t have to be made perfectly but at least straighten out the covers. Once your family gets home exhausted from a strenous hike or other activity, it will feel great to casually slide into a neat, comfy bed.

It’s a mental thing people. Made beds give a sense of order & calm in your resting area.

3. Have Dinner Prepared

When our explorations take us out of town, we’re quick to grab food on the way in for the night. When local, however, we try to eat at home. Thing is… none of us have energy to cook after a full day of fun.

I try to make sure dinner for that particular night is cooked the day before. For instance, for our last hike, I grabbed one of those frozen family lasagnas from the grocery store. I baked it the night before & stored it in the fridge after it cooled. Once we got back home, all we had to do was warm it.

Allow me to add to this tip… make sure dishes are put away before leaving as well. Even if they’re still in the dishwasher, that’s better than being on the counters. No one wants to deal with dirty dishes after adventuring.

lasagna, italian food, family dinner, baked dishes

4. Clear Your Entrance

Prepping for outdoor explorations can be timely & cumbersome. There’s often equipment & bags galore when you’re adventuring with kids. That’s where clearing your entrance comes in.

If you know you have things to carry back inside (sleeping children included!), don’t have a pile of shoes or miscellaneous things in your way. It may seem obvious or insignificant but it makes a big difference. You won’t have that overwhelming feeling of “this house is a mess” upon your return.

5. Let Your Kids Shower First

This is more of a personal thing. You know your family best & should do what works. However, I have my kids shower as soon as we get back inside. The later they wait, the crankier & more tired they become.

And so do us parents.

My daughters will also complain of being too hungry to shower. Dime psychology comes into play here. I tell them they’ll be done by the time the food warms. It’s simple but usually works.

** I always find it smart to have snacks for after your activities. That’ll combat everyone’s hunger pangs on the way home. **

None of this is rocket science & trust me, I understand daily life tasks are easier written about than achieved! Nevertheless, I hope my tips help you plan your adventures better. Specifically your return home. Any form of tidying up helps so get everyone involved. Assign the tasks, set the timer, & let teamwork make the dream work.