On The Hunt For More Colorful Places

Colorful walls & backgrounds. Awe-inspiring murals. Bold patterns.

Color electrifies me & I enjoy going to places that have a lot of it. It enhances my mood AND makes photos better if you ask me. Therefore, I'm on the hunt for our next colorful adventures.

The photos below are from an older trip to the Arts Annex in Durham, NC. Click the link for more pics & a vlog. Be sure to subscribe to the channel, too, for all uploads.

We checked out another cool place in Greensboro, NC, Kotis Street Art Outdoor Gallery. It's full of amazing work from local artists. It's been a couple of years since we've visited either so we may circle back to see what's new.

My eyes have been glued to my computer screen for days & I've typed more words than I can count. It's been an all work & no play kind of week. Keeping track of days, times, & even my meals has proven futile.

Thankfully, this doesn't happen often.

I'm sure you'd find it hilarious to watch me leave my desk area & walk into whatever light my daughters are using. It's as if I've been trapped in a cave & finally made it back to sunlight. LOL! My mind feels like mush as well but nonetheless, I LOVE what I do.

A plethora of new posts & articles are coming your way here & on my WRAL account. Be sure to catch up on anything you haven't read in both locations.

There are many places to go… things to see & share. I just hope to do most of them before school starts again. Only another month to go but let's NOT talk about that. It literally brings tears to my eyes. I enjoy having my girls home with me!

Well enough rambling for now. If you have any colorful places in North Carolina to suggest, do tell. They must be in open, well-lit areas. Adventuring safely is our thing, ya know.

I'm inserting a bit of a cliffhanger here & informing you of an upcoming opportunity that found its way to me. I'm really excited to share it with you.

Until next time, stay safe my friends & let the summer adventures continue. <3