My Word Of The Year

Yep…. I’m one of those people as of a few years ago. I choose a word that describes my year ahead.

It can’t just be something random. It must be a word that has significance for YOU. With it comes an energy strong enough to evoke something within you: focus, curiosity, excitement, peace. Something.

This year, my word is INTENTIONAL.

Nowadays, we hear a lot about intentionality. It has become a popular topic to address. For me, however, it’s something different. I care nothing about it being popular nor a hot topic.

This is a head down, put in work year for me. All that I do… even rest & play… has to be intentional.

Aging- and especially being a single mom- teaches me well about windows of time. And in order to achieve what I’m aiming for, to reach my most desired goals, I have to FOCUS. There are visions I’ve held onto for years. I held onto them waiting for others to get onboard, to join me, to want the same outcomes.

This is where I went wrong. This is where I let myself down. This is also where my waiting ended.

Everyone else isn’t meant to see or understand your vision. It’s yours for a reason. Although that reality can hurt, you have to learn not to take it personally.

2021 was an eye-opening year for both my daughters & myself. Doors opened that showed us we really can live the reality we want to live. It showed us that our content & talents do matter. They are noticed & our hard work has not been in vain.

In 2022, I will be the most focused I’ve ever been. I’m working to prove something to myself. I’m working to teach my daughters important lessons about life, faith, & perseverance.

I will not allow distractions-not one person, place, or thing out of alignment with the vision for our lifestyle.

Sure, things happen. If we are thrown off course, we’ll do our best to get back on track & keep going. This has happened before but the power of experience is its ability to teach.


When I wake up in the morning, my routine is intentional to give me the best start to the day.

My workouts are intentional to keep me in shape, healthy, & doing the things I love. Health is truly wealth!

Taking supplements is intentional. They supply me with nutrients to keep my immune system strong & supply me with energy. Of course, this is in conjunction with attempting to eat a balanced diet.

Connecting with my family is intentional. None of us are promised another second of life. I hope to be more interactive with my family this year than I’ve ever been.

The books I choose to read are intentional. I consume content that edifies, educates, & entertains in a way that makes me feel good.

My social circle is intentional. I’m choosing to only be surrounded by honest, fun, knowledgeable, adventurous, successful, & kind people. People who are or have been where I desire to be. Those who reciprocate trustworthiness & respect. I crave a certain caliber of energy in my life.

The content I’m creating is intentional. I want it to most importantly be valuable to others. Read more about my upcoming content in this post, What’s New In 2022.

The connections we make & adventures we create will all be intentional. They’ll serve a purpose-especially as far as fulfilling dreams we have.

I cannot tell you exactly how we’ll accomplish many of our desired goals. It’s not really our place as humans to know how everything will happen. We do our part by believing & taking action.

I can tell you that we won’t be waiting on anyone else’s permission or participation. We won’t be waiting to be noticed. Squeaky wheels get the oil so we’ll make noise. We’ll write the letters, make the calls, send the emails, say yes more often, & be a help to others however we can.

I, WE, just want to win. I know you want that in your life, too. And winning, being successful, carries a different meaning for each of us. Don’t let anyone else decide what that is for you.

Let’s be intentional about getting there.

Do you have “a word” for 2022? Do tell.