How Our Homeschooling Schedule Works

Coronavirus quickly added labels to what felt like an already full hat. Before the pandemic, I remember feeling there wasn’t enough time in the day. However, I had a set daily schedule to complete tasks that are important to me: fitness, writing, daily living tasks, quality time, etc. Even with a schedule, I couldn’t always get to everything & in the blink of an eye, homeschooling was added to that list.



I've only previously toyed with the idea of homeschooling. It has always been something I felt could be cool for our family, but never realistic. The benefits were obvious but the execution was another story.

Parents from all walks of life are currently struggling to keep up. A quick social media scroll proves that. It’s the same here. We have a schedule that continues to evolve but lets be honest… the kids don’t always stick with it.

If you want to be microscopically honest, we’re over the workload. All of us. I’m enjoying the convenience of homeschooling but I’m ready for the school year to be done. The weight of the virus threat, in addition to everything else, is heavy. Sometimes too heavy.

There are so many things to focus on overall & wrestling with my daughters to get work done is daunting. My patience levels can always use improvement but I’m learning to show them just as much grace as I show myself. Life is stressful for each of us & I’m mindful about that. We’re going with the flow more often & adjusting accordingly. Some days I’d prefer a hiding place but no can do. So, I turn to faith & a big cup of coffee to help things flow more smoothly.

When school was first canceled & we were thrown into the homeschooling arena, my perfectionist side kicked in big time. I envisioned a no nonsense, rigid schedule that ensured everything on the list was completed. I have a tendency to go to that unrealistic, control-freak place when massive changes occur. It’s my nonsensical way of handling things (aka trying to regain control). I can call it that because I live it & it never… I mean never works. And yet, I persist.


Our Initial Schedule:

7-8a.m. > Wake up, make beds, get dressed, have breakfast

8-9a.m. > First assignment completed & checked

9-10a.m. > Daily exercise & school fitness assignments completed

10-11am. > Break, snacks, prep for next assignments

11-1p.m. > Multiple assignments completed

1-2:30 > Lunch & outdoor play/ free time

2:30-4 > Remainder of the day’s assignments completed

4- dinner time > Get creative/Read

Post dinner- Bedtime prep > Anything goes

This is how our schedule started (give or take) & admittedly, the orderliness of it relaxes me. By appearance, everything has a designated time slot & gets done. However, the schedule only works if everyone is willingly working it. My daughters were not.

Alora & Vivia have two entirely different personalities & work styles. This is where choosing my battles came into play full force. Having a schedule took on a different meaning & my planner needed to reflect that. Keeping my head above laundry, hungry bellies, dirty dishes, my own self-care, etc, is definitely hard enough. Figuring out this new schooling situation is proving to be ever-evolving!

laundry piles

Our Current Schedule:

8-10a.m. > Wake up… Have breakfast… Get dressed… Make beds…A little screen time

10-12p.m. > Vivia gets her work done with breaks between each assignment…Alora cleans room/chores

12-1p.m. > Lunch time if everyone’s hungry. If we decide to eat lunch later, Alora starts schoolwork now.

1-4p.m. > Alora completes schoolwork, we exercise together, Vivia does art/music/dance

4-5p.m. > Incomplete tasks are addressed, free time, dinner prep

We’ve found time blocks to be more effective for us. This is obviously a much more loosely running schedule & things adjust with zoom calls, temperaments, my needs, etc. Some days the girls won’t begin schoolwork until much later because that’s how they’re feeling. My focus is now on getting it done, not set-in-stone timeframes (unless they have a deadline). Although I have to be stern more often than I’d like, I refuse to be a tyrant. We don’t need that stress in our lives!

Do the girls complete every task daily? No. Neither do I. There are things on my list I don’t get to cross off. If my kids have given a real effort & worked hard, I allow them leniency. And I do it without guilt.

Our schedules don’t work for every family but we’re doing what works for us; what’s most beneficial for our overall well-being. Whatever schedule/routine you have in place, work it until it doesn’t work & then make necessary adjustments. Let grace be the common denominator along the way, not the opinions of others. I wish you as much success, ease, & peace of mind as possible during these times. Remember, do what works.