First Hike At Raven Rock State Park

Getting our crew together for a hike was a great idea. It had been too long since we hit the trails. A fire was reignited to get back out there doing what we love… adventuring & exploring.

Our chosen destination was a relatively short drive. The park is located at 3009 Raven Rock Road, Lillington, NC 27546. Talk about views & nice trails!

On the way, we stopped for additional water & snacks. Going hiking without necessities is never a good idea-even if the hike is short. Equally important is being aware of weather conditions. We arrived knowing the forecast for rain so no time was wasted.

As usual we grabbed maps, used the restrooms & toured the Visitor’s Center first. This is where you’ll learn about the history of the area/park you’re visiting & the inhabiting wildlife/vegetation. You can also ask questions about (or read) everything from emergency assistance info to upcoming events/programs offered.

Raven Rock State Park has various trails to choose from. There are even equestrian trails to enjoy the scenery by horseback. The ones we hiked were chosen based on length & our interests. Fish Traps Trail (1.8 miles) & Raven Rock Loop Trail (2.6 miles) were the winners.

Fish Traps Trail is scenic & steadily downhill. There’s a small-ish but visible area leading to the water’s edge of the Cape Fear River. Massive rocks served as seating while we became mesmerized by the sound of rushing water. Gentle breezes cooled us as we rested.

Following this trail to its end takes you to an overlook of the river. The view here gives a more expansive look of the water and Fish Traps Rapids. See it for yourself in this reel.

Raven Rock Loop Trail is a gradual climb but ferns & rhododendron keep you occupied with their beauty. This is the trail that leads to the main overlook & the Raven Rock landmark itself. Both are equally impressive & make any challenges you face along the way WORTH IT.

The overlook is breathtaking as you can see in the first photo of this article. There’s a bench there to sit & rest or admire the view. Higher elevation is apparent, but I was surprised the immediate drop-off isn’t as steep as one would imagine. That doesn’t mean be careless, however. Taking photos is fun but always exercise caution. Too many people have lost their lives trying to get “the shot” while traveling/adventuring.

Once you reach Raven Rock, you’ll descend numerous stairs in order to get a full view. Reaching the bottom gives you a reality check of just how massive the rock is. We were blown away. If you’re curious like us, you’ll also find other little areas to explore. We just can’t help ourselves.

In order to get back on the trails, you must tackle the stairs again. Going up makes you realize how steep they are but please, don’t let this deter you! There are railings for support & everyone was respectful of each group’s pace. No need to rush.

Hiking at Raven Rock State Park turned out to be something we all needed. There’s nothing like spending time in nature; it’s grounding & works wonders at bringing you back to your center. We hiked over six miles by the end of our visit. And although tired afterwards, we agreed it was so worth it.

If visiting this park is possible for you, get there. I’m already excited to return. To my fellow view chasers, you won’t be disappointed. If you’ve visited before, what’s your opinion of Raven Rock?

As always, be on the lookout for more adventures. Summer break is right around the corner. Let’s get out & explore!

The vlog for this hike is posted below. Be sure to visit our our Youtube channel and subscribe for more content like this.

And lastly, stay tuned for a detailed know-before-you-go article coming to my WRAL page. In the meantime, check out my previously posted works.

Raven Rock State Park

3009 Raven Rock Rd

Lillington, NC 27546

Phone: (910) 893-4888

Hours are currently 7am to 9pm daily

Size: 4,810 Acres

Elevation: 131 feet