Facing How You REALLY Feel Right Now

(This post is in collaboration with How Right Now & Women Online)

2020 has been a life changing year for us all. No matter where you are in the world, dealing with the ramifications of the pandemic has caused much upheaval. This is definitely the year to admit we’re not always “fine.” Overall, we’re coping as best we can & in many ways have adapted positively.

The only choice we really have is to adapt. Easier said than done, right? Therefore, we all need resources, outlets, & other people to help us survive the hard times. That truth hit me like a brick wall recently.


It Was All Too Much

It was one of those days where everything felt overwhelming. I couldn’t cross anything off my to-do list, I was angry about the pandemic, my kids weren’t cooperating the way I needed them to, & my responsibilites seemed to multiply by the minute.

It was all too much. Is any of this relatable?

For years I felt awkward when asked about my wellbeing. Smiling & saying “I’m fine” was the familiar response. I was determined to keep the strong woman image. A few years ago, however, I decided not to say that anymore when it was untrue. I didn’t have to share intimate details with anyone but if I was tired or sad, it was okay to admit that.

On this particular hard day, I knew I wasn’t “fine.” I did two things that helped me reset. They cleared my mind, calmed my worries, & lifted my mood.

  1. I called a loved one.

  2. I took a walk in my yard.

I’m fortunate to have a small circle of people I can trust wholeheartedly. The blessing of that is not lost on me. We talk about everything, including the hard topics. During the conversation that day, I vented about all of the things overwhelming me. I’m grateful my loved one had the time & mental bandwidth to listen because I let it all out!

While venting, I walked. I walked as a form of exercise & frustration release. Physical activity always improves my mood. After our conversation, I felt so much better. I then walked for enjoyment. I paid attention to all the sounds & sights. I let mother nature fill my senses as I focused on my breathing & experiencing the moment.


It Only Takes A Few Minutes

The whole scenario only lasted a few minutes but was very effective. Of course, all of the things bothering me weren’t erased but I was able to form a new perspective. Talking to someone I trust allowed me to vent openly & knock some of the weight from my shoulders. Time in nature & exercise are two things I harp on often concerning stress management.

My hope for all of us is to continue making something good out of the lemons we’ve been handed. Doing this while also admitting we need help is the goal. This admission doesn’t make us weak but shows a different kind of strength. And it proves we’re wise enough to know we can’t do it all alone. At the very least, we each need 10-15 minutes daily to check in with ourselves.

How are YOU doing today? REALLY? Have you asked yourself or even thought about it?

We owe it to ourselves & our families to allow time for decompression & reflection. It’s also important that when possible, we connect with the people we trust. Not only does it support them but we’re allowing ourselves to be supported in the process.

And hey… don’t feel guilty if you prefer to spend your 10-15 minutes alone. As a busy mom of two, I often need time to breathe or simply hear myself think. I appreciate the convenience of stepping outside alone. The fresh air & solitude combined is oh so good.

Think about doing that for yourself. You don’t have to walk or drive someplace far away. Just step outside for a few moments or close the door to your room for some private time. It’s called self-preservation & you’ll be better because of it.


There Are People Who Care

It’s a pleasure to partner with initiatives like How Right Now. There are people & organizations out there who really do care about the state of mankind. Many folks don’t have loved ones or friends to reach out to so initiatives like this are priceless.

Today, October 15th, I am participating in the How Right Now campaign by dedicating 10-15 minutes to my emotional wellbeing. I hope you’ll join in, too.

On the How Right Now website, a plethora of resources are available to get us all through the hard days. There’s information to help with stress management, grief, abuse, loneliness, pandemic safety precautions, etc. I was honestly impressed with the variety of topics.

I advise spending time on the site for yourself. I can tell you from my experience that you will find something beneficial there. I definitely did.

You may not think you need help or advice right now but you’ll be surprised. The resources are free so you have nothing to lose. And please… share this with people you know via social media, text, Pinterest boards, email, word of mouth, & the like. I’m confident someone you’re connected to needs these resources more than you realize. I do believe that strongly in the mission of this campaign.

Other Ideas

Because I really do care, I’ve included a list of other simple things you can do during those daily 10-15 minutes of YOU time. Feel free to add to this list by sharing your ideas with me. Helping one another, albeit from a distance, is the only way we’ll survive these stressful times.

-Take a hot shower

-Dance and/or listen to your favorite song(s)

-Rest in silence/Do nothing

-Color, doodle, or indulge in a meaningful hobby

-Do a quick workout or stretch

-Pray and/or meditate

-Take a power nap



-Call a help hotline to vent

-Eat something nourishing & enjoyable

-Have a cup of tea or coffee

-Listen to a podcast or audiobook

-Indulge in plantcare/gardening

-Write a gratitude list (things you’re grateful for)

-If you prefer spending your time with family, catch up on the day’s happenings or cuddle up.

For a closer look at this initiative, follow the #HowRightNow hashtag on social media.

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