Thriller Mom

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It Aged Me

Life has not been fair to me today (in my opinion). My youngest has clung to me like wet clothing and needed my attention 59 seconds out of each minute. I've been at wit's end at least three times and I have no idea how I didn't go over the edge!

Technology has failed me, internet connection has pissed me off, and distractions have been my nemesis. I've had many reasons to call it quits but guess what... I didn't. I've persevered and accomplished most of what I planned to do.

That's life isn't it?

No matter our roles, titles, or any other position in life, obstacles will come. We all feel like throwing in the towel from time to time. Today I've felt like throwing towels at other people!

The struggle has been real y'all!

Someone mentioned making lemonade out of lemons today. I replied with, "I'm tired of lemonade. How about apple juice for a change!" Ya know... sometimes you just have to let it all hang out.

All of that said, I've come to a place in my personal growth where I know I can't walk away when situations become challenging. I can't throw up my hands and forget about things when the road gets hard. I can't abandon my work just because my toddler is driving me crazy and needs extra attention.

I'm learning that the key is to keep my priorities in check; To take breaks and divide my time productively. I'm not very good at keeping a schedule but I swear to you, it saves my sanity! Do schedules/routines also work better for you, too?

I may not have accomplished all that I wanted to within the time frame I planned but I'm giving myself credit. Dang it, I have been productive today. I've reached 90% of my goals and for that I'm proud.

So... I declare that today has been a good day and I'm confident that tomorrow will be better. What challenges have you faced lately and how did you handle them?

Btw... I often take to Snapchat to vent frustrations and share daily moments. My challenges today caused me to age significantly (I know I'm a hot mess!). Be sure to follow me on Snapchat @thrillermom1. I can't wait to see you there!


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