Thriller Mom

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How I Handle Feeling Overwhelmed & Stressed

I don’t know anyone who isn’t feeling some form of stress, & overwhelm these days. It doesn’t matter who you are or your status in life, current events have most of us on edge. Add to that a new school year, Covid restrictions, daily responsibilities, & you have the makings of a strong mental storm.

Most of my days are good but when they’re bad, the load is heavy & powerful. Everyone copes differently & as an adventurista, true calm happens when I’m outdoors. Don’t get me wrong… hot baths, listening to music, self-pampering, & venting to my circle helps tremendously. However, I feel grounded & balanced in nature. It’s even better when I can take my shoes off but that doesn’t happen often if I’m away from home.

As I mentioned in this post, getting outside is especially important now that school’s in session. Kids are at desks most of the day, adults are working from home or busy with home tasks. Any long period of sitting or stagnancy isn’t good for any of us.

My remedy will always be to GET OUTSIDE.

Fresh air, vitamin D, & having all of your senses stimulated by nature is healing. It’s rejuvenating! That’s one thing I elaborated on in Health Benefits of Hiking. The benefits are real, not imagined folks.

Once again, make taking a walk or playing outside a daily thing. Even if it’s only for 15 minutes. If outdoor activities aren’t possible, have a dance-a-thon right in your house. Movement gets the blood flowing & increases your oxygen intake. It benefits your entire body.

Do research on its importance!

I implore you to do your best to take control of your stress levels & mental health. The things I mentioned are ways to cope independently but if you need more professional assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone. There are people willing to help you.