A Quick Getaway To Columbia, South Carolina

Johnny & I were handling business in the Charlotte, NC area when the opportunity to visit Columbia presented itself. It was a place we'd never been & the kids were staying with their grandparents. Okay granted... this was last-minute & only overnight, but having the kids in excellent hands made the occasion even more promising!

Lets skip the business part & get to the fun shall we???

Downtown is usually our first choice when visiting a new destination & we're unsure of local happenings. Our trusty GPS guided us from a rather laid back & familial area to a bustling cultural district! It was alive with unique architecture, artwork, restaurants, shows, music, & a melting pot of people. We immediately looked at one another & smiled.

It was definitely the kind of atmosphere we were looking for!

We cruised the streets like teenagers until we saw something huge & shiny that made us park the car. Turns out, it was the World's Largest Fire Hydrant. In true tourist form, I had to take a photo right in front of it!


World's largest fire hydrant
World's Largest Fire Hydrant Columbia SC


Behind us was one of the most interesting murals we'd ever seen. We later found out the mural is called Tunnelvision by the artist, Blue Sky.


Tunnelvision Mural by Blue Sky
Tunnel Vision Mural Columbia SC


At the time, we were unaware the building adorned with this mural was the Federal Land Bank Building. It was only fitting that we walked the block to see if any other surprises awaited us!


Federal Land Bank Building Columbia SC




Johnny and I love a good meal so lunch wasn't too far behind us. Our bellies were Arby's happy & ready to explore. The next indulgence on the list was any place serving adult drinks. We ended up at Main Street Public House. The service we experienced was great & the bar offered us many options to choose from. Food is also served there but as I mentioned, we had already eaten.


Main Street Public House
Main Street Public House
Main Street Public House Columbia SC
Main Street Public House Bar


We celebrated our getaway with a drink then explored the downtown area. There were ongoing festivals & one we'd narrowly missed earlier in the day. Bummer! Either way, we made the most of it & took a few cool shots of the area. The Neverbust Chain & the trees hovering over the city street are my faves!


Neverbust chain Columbia SC
Indie Grits Festival
Beautiful Trees


Our brief stay in Columbia definitely piqued our interests & got our travel juices flowing. It was better than we expected & we were happy to get a feel of the area. Now we want to visit as a family & explore more with our girls. There are many family-friendly activities to enjoy such as the zoo, museums, beaches, etc. We are certain that bored is one thing we won't be in Columbia.

Adventure is always one thought & one decision away!

Interested in learning more about Columbia? You'll find a wealth of information including hotels & restaurants, trip ideas, & family activities at this link. We are excited to give you a more detailed & adventure-filled trip recap when we return to the city.



Watch the vlog of our time in Columbia!





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