Thriller Mom

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The Road Ahead

Earlier this year, my father deemed my daughters & me "the power of three." If you're a fan of the show Charmed, you understand the symbolism. The three of us went through a life-changing experience but are flourishing in spite of it. Therefore, we take great pride in that title.

We were fearful of the changes at first. Along with other things, we thought we'd have to seriously lessen our adventures & explorations. However, its been just the opposite. What we've learned is that TOGETHER, we're even stronger & more capable than we thought.

We support one another on every side, from every angle. We laugh & cry together. We face the ups and downs together. Nothing could’ve brought us closer as mom and daughters. We’re better people because of it.

Sharing the many things that have happened for us in recent months would take too much time. I’m in awe some days. What I can say is that consistency & faith pays off. Belief in yourself & the divine is powerful. Expect THE BEST outcomes.

Life truly is happening for you, not to you (when you choose to see it that way).

I can more importantly share how appreciative we are. What a blessing to live our lives surrounded by love & divine support; To be upheld & cheered on by those who want to see us win. What a few others wanted to be my downfall has turned into one of the greatest blessings.

So what does it look like for the road ahead???

It looks like taking one breath, one step at a time. We have nothing to prove to anyone but ourselves. It looks like peace & love. It looks like memorable adventures. It looks like putting in work doing what we’re passionate about. It looks like fun & a whole lotta wonderful.

I believe that for you as well!

Hold on to your faith & the hands of those who wholeheartedly support you. Lean into it & let life unfold. Get rid of all toxicity whether people, places, or things. And if you can’t rid yourself of it, distance yourself. Consume as much positivity as possible.

As I’ve lived & learned the past few months, you never have to match energy with anyone. Let them be who they prove they are. Give them their space to harbor or entertain lesser energies. In the meantime, you put your attention on all of the good stuff & keep right on goin’. They have no power over you.

You’ve got this. I promise you do. Even from the ashes, a Phoenix always rises.

My daughters & I are cheering for you & we love that you cheer for us, too. Thank you so very much! <3

Photos by: Katie Smith Photography