Thriller Mom

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Good Communication Between Parents & Teens

(This post is made possible with support from the Center for Parent and Teen Communication, part of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. All opinions are my own.)

The Center for Parent and Teen Communication offers science-based strategies supporting healthy family relationships. After exploring their website, I found many insightful resources to use going forward. You’ll want their 100-word, daily parenting tip newsletter in your inbox!

I watched & strongly related to their Destination, Good Communication video. The advice given is exactly how experience has taught me to interact with my 13-year-old. 

Over/Underreacting, when my daughter confides in me, is the fastest road to shutdown. She expects & trusts me to actively listen to her words, stay calm, & respond honestly afterwards.

For instance, she got in trouble at school. Instead of immediately dishing out consequences, I listened intently as she gave her side of the story. Allowing her to explain herself without judgement, opened up better communication & understanding between us about what happened.

Be sure to visit the website for more parenting advice animations. Please let me know your favorite!