Thriller Mom

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Needle Fears-So Many Of Us Have Them

(This post is made possible with support from the Meg Foundation. All opinions are my own.)

The first time I remember having anxiety about getting shots was during pregnancy. The frequency of appointments & the size of the needles had me feeling some kind of way. In other words, I wasn’t happy nor excited about it. Remembering why I needed the shots was the courage that got me through.

I’ve found taking action to be anxiety’s kryptonite. 

Doing the thing I’m afraid of is what works best to weaken my anxieties or eliminate them.

It’s Normal

Feeling uncomfortable with or downright afraid of needles is actually very common. It’s something that 63% of kids & up to 25% of adults experience. This explains why I’ve heard so many people express these sentiments. If you don’t like needles, no worries. No way are you alone!

I mean… I don’t like them either, but I’ve learned how to get through the process more easily. Annnd….as a parent of two, I’m no stranger to getting my daughters through blood draws, vaccinations, etc. Having a plan, plus being as informed & prepared as possible, is how we’ve beaten fear.

How We Cope

What works for us? Let’s talk about it.

When I’m getting a shot, I tend to look away or focus on something else in the room. I’m not terrified of needles per se, but watching the injection seems to amplify any pain I feel.

My daughters are now 13 & 7. I’ve always made sure they know what’s happening well before their appointments. No surprises allowed! They’re rock stars when getting shots at this point, but at younger ages, we used one or a few of the techniques below:

-Holding a favorite toy

-Singing a song

-Telling corny jokes

-Holding hands

I know many parents don’t like the idea of using candy as a reward. However, my girls LIVED for the lollipops & toys the nurses gave afterwards. They knew their bravery would deliver the goods. Lol!

I think the idea of rewarding yourself (and/or your child) is a great incentive. It doesn’t have to be sweets. Maybe a trip to the park, watching a movie, frozen yogurt, a toy from the Dollar Store, a new book…. whatever gets you through.

Getting Another Vaccination

I’ll be getting the Covid-19 vaccine pretty soon. At some point, I’m sure my daughters will, too. The newness surrounding the vaccines may bring up anxieties for us as our appointments approach. We have our go-to strategies to rely on, but using online resources like the Meg Foundation is also helpful.

Their mission is to support individuals & families by providing pain management tools, skills, & strategies either preventing or greatly reducing pain. The Meg Foundation has goals & initiatives meant to reach as many people as possible. They’re serious about a future healthcare system that’s free of unnecessary suffering. 

Using the site’s resources is a great way to become more informed & get you through needle fears. There are methods listed to calm anxiety for adults AND children. Whatever the reason for getting a shot, their techniques help you #HackTheVax. It’s a one-stop shop for what you need to get through the experience smoothly.

Make The Plan

Okay… so we agree we don’t like needles. And (now) we know that’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Let’s make a plan using this tool to set us up for success. We’re bonding in spirit with this one.

If, like me, you’re on board for the Covid-19 vaccine but you need a bit of hand-holding, “I gotcha.” Let’s list the first few most crucial steps:

1) Think about WHY you need this vaccine (or any shot) & let that reason encourage you.

2) Visit the Meg Foundation website to learn about their mission.

3) Use the planning tool linked above for strategies to get yourself mentally prepared for your vaccine.

One Last Thing

Of course, before sharing this with you, I went through the same steps I’m encouraging you to use. I’ve visited the sites, read the info, & tried the plan builder tool. After you see how helpful it is, I only ask one favor of you…

Share the info. #ThinkPlanGo

Others on the same don’t-like-needles boat could use the help. They may need someone to hold their hand as well. So whether you share the #HackTheVax site, this blog post, or both, just please let people know they aren’t alone.

THINK of someone you can share this with. Help them make the same kind of PLAN. And then encourage them to GO for it by making an appointment & attending. That’s it.

Remember, I believe in you. We’re doing this thing together in spirit. Feel free to leave a comment or email me sharing your needle fears, thoughts on the sites above, or even your Covid-19 vaccination experience. I’d love to hear from you.

Stay encouraged!