Thriller Mom

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Let Adventure Interrupt The After-School Routine

My daughters have been back in school for a few weeks. Getting reaccustomed to the morning rush, carpool lines, & homework has been trying. Virtual schooling spoiled us in a way we hadn’t realized until now. Can you relate?

It’s so easy to fall into a hole of monotony during the school year. I’ve often felt like a hamster on a wheel. School… home… school stuff… prep for more school… goodnight. That is, until becoming more intentional about our days.

We’ve made a family pact to adventure at least once during the school week. No excuses allowed! Weekends are a different entity all together.

And let me tell ya… you won’t always feel up to doing something or going somewhere. Sometimes you just have to commit. For instance, allow me to share what happened last week.

When I picked my daughters up from school, I told them we were going hiking. At first they were excited. Then, afternoon fatigue hit just as we got home to prep for our adventure.

Before I knew it, they were both telling me they were “too tired.” Both girls were making statements about going another time & taking naps. I don’t like to nap but I’m all for them doing it. Except on this day. “Sleep on the way” was my answer to that.

It had been a while since we really spent time in fresh air & sunshine. I know all too well that being in nature is like medicine. They know it, too, but fatigue will convince you otherwise. Besides, the weather has been beautiful lately & I refused to waste it that day.

A 30 minute drive on winding country roads was magical. My daughters had their windows down & the fall air was mesmerizing. It seemed to flow through our souls. If I wasn’t so determined to get our feet on a trail, the drive alone wouldv’e been enough.

I didn’t hear anymore talk about being too sleepy or heading out another day. We were wide awake & excited to be out. Even after such a nice ride, arriving at our destination just made us more eager to ditch the car.

We trekked as far as some trails would allow, made a beeline for the playground, chased one another up & down hills, met new people, took photos by the waterfall of an old mill dam, & rested by a fishing pond. After all of that, we were ready for even more exploration! We just couldn’t get enough.

It was a freedom we didn’t realize was so badly needed. No obligations, no itinerary, no boxes to check off. All we had to do was show up. And that is the goal for the rest of the school year. We’re committed to showing up for ourselves in the most carefree way possible.

**Check out this fun reel we posted on Instagram**

I encourage you to do the same with your children/family this school year. If you’re not a parent, show up for yourself. Get out & do something different if possible. Break up the week & routine. It’ll make you feel so much better.

The activity doesn’t have to be anything strenous or far away. Don’t make it complicated. It should be what you need it to be. Let this committment be one of leisure & enjoyment. The last thing any of us need is something else to stress about. Above all, be safe out there!

If you’re interested in more after school activities, check out these older posts:

5 Cheap (and free!) After School Activities For Fall

100 Ways To Adventure Cheaply In Fall & Winter

Keep up with our mommy-daughter adventures by following us on social media (linked at top & bottom of blog pages) & subscribing to our youtube channel. Slowly but surely, we have many new things coming up!