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13 Random Realizations My Birthday Week Gave Me

The past week was epic & you'll understand why when I share my birthday details. Right now, I'm reflecting on realizations. Some of them were new while others were reminders of past personal lessons.

1. There are really good people in the world despite what I see on the news or social media. I cross paths with more of them weekly.

2. I'll one day live abroad. I want to experience new cultures, languages, & cuisines for extended periods & call various places home. This realization led to the next.

3. I'm almost convinced my next long-term relationship will be with someone from another country. The more foreign films I watch & people I meet, the more attracted I become (for various reasons). Time will tell. I'll revisit this topic later.

4. My daughters are happy & don't feel they're missing out on anything. Yes, I've asked often & we talk A LOT. Their thoughts & feelings are of utmost importance in our household. While there are clear mother-daughter boundaries between us, they also know they are respected.

5. Words are so P O W E R F U L & almost work like magic. We must be aware of ''the spells we cast'' with them.

6. I am completely DONE with anyone who's inconsistent in how they interact with me. I clearly notice when a person behaves one way in my presence or by phone, then differently when they're around someone else. That's all it takes for me to disappear with no regrets. As the popular saying goes, ''I can show you better than I can tell you.'' You either be mature & consistent with me, or begone. I promise I'll be fine.

7. I crave luxurious experiences just as much as adventurous ones. It wasn't always like this, but I now feel deserving of both. YAY! There's some personal growth for ya.

8. I'm in a loner phase. This happens to us extroverted-introverts. Meeting up with others is fun, but I've always kept to myself. Despite having friends or suitors, I'm the woman who used to take herself out for dinner & a movie. That was normal to me! I shopped, took classes, partied, traveled, and even lived alone. I truly enjoy my own company & thrive in solitude. Sure, I have moments of loneliness but they're only moments. Besides, friends & dates cure that! Most importantly, I'm not alone & that's the difference. I'm blessed to have people around who really love me.

9. I want the rest of my life to be magnificent: A) see the most splendid places on earth, B) be in the best shape of my life, C) create massive income doing things I love most, D) somehow be an inspiration to others.

10. Anything we dare to believe & work towards really IS possible. I now have experiences I could once only long for, while also visualizing new levels. Life is a complex beauty-even with all of the parallel BS we face as humans.

11. So much of what I want in life goes against the status quo & I'm okay with that. I don't want ordinary, I want EXTRAordinary! As far as I know, I only have one shot at life as Tandra. Therefore, I refuse to waste more of it by playing small. When I die, I want to go knowing I gave life my ALL… and loved DEEPLY… and lived FULLY.

12. I love to smile. It feels good in a world that gives us plenty to frown about. I only want to be around those who make me smile & bring out the best in me. People who feel safe & secure. People who feel like my inner joy & who'd never intentionally turn my smile upside down. I'll take more of that anyday. I really am a good person & I want other genuinely good souls around me.

13. It's true… the older you get, the more sweets you like. Yep. I'm just gonna go with that. =)